Monday, October 3, 2011


Anyone contemplating an abortion should consider some important facts.
Many women experience one or more of the following consequences, some of which may take several years to surface.
Serious complications do occur in as many as 1 out of every 100 early abortions and 1 out of 50 later abortions.
Perforated uterus or damage to other organs
Excessive bleeding, requiring blood transfusions
Chronic and acute infections
Intense pain
Incomplete removal of the baby or placenta
High fever
A greater increase in miscarriages, and ectopic (tubal) pregnancies
Premature births
Still births
Breast cancer
Women experience strong negative emotions after an abortion.
This is known as "Post Abortion Syndrome"

Feeling of Helplessness
Mental Breakdown
Suicidal Thoughts
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Sexual Dysfunction
Preocupation with becoming pregnant again or a fear of future pregnancies
Nightmares and Flashbacks
Distrust and feelings of betrayal
Frequent or uncontrollable crying

There is help! Non-judgmental and caring people are a phone call away!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Day For Life Title Sponsors

WDJC 93.7 and Cabrito Farms have signed up to be title sponsors for our One Day For Life event! Jenny will be on the air with the CullmanFBC channel 27 on Friday morning to discuss the event. She will also be on WDJC on Monday, March 28 from 7am-9am!

We may not be able to make a difference to the world but we can make a difference in the life of one person's world! By participating in our One Day For Life Walk, you have the power to continue the progress at Her Choice North Alabama Women’s Center. Please be praying for the event and how you would like to serve this ministry. By participating, you have the power to involve so many more members of our community!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Join us at "One Day For Life", so we can continue to serve our community

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” Jeremiah 1:5

We are a non-denominational, faith based, non-profit 501(c3) pregnancy center and certified physiological Lab (clinic) .      Many of you may wonder why the name “Her Choice” was chosen. We like to refer to it as Her Choice “For Life” and hope that anyone who walks through our doors would choose life.  In an effort to reach as many women as possible we are now on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and have a web page. We want these women to know that we are here to be their advocate through their pregnancy. We present all the facts about the options these young women have, in the hope they will choose to parent their baby or place the child in a loving adoptive home.

We offer free pregnancy tests and counseling to those who think they are in an unplanned pregnancy.  Surprisingly, 50 percent have negative tests.  With the negative tests we talk to these women about sexual integrity and transmitted diseases.  In other words    the consequences of their actions.  We use as a guide the “Princess Rules”  that is: (saving themselves for their one true prince as our creator God planned)     Reminding them that God created them for a special purpose and they need to seek His will in their lives. We take every opportunity to share the love of Our Lord with them. 

When the pregnancy test is positive, we give her a 12 week fetal model showing the stages of growth of her baby   and a hand knitted baby cap.  This is not a “formless mass of cells”.  Life begins at conception. She is a mother...

Our limited ultrasound program, which shows the baby and the heartbeat, has caused women who did not want to carry their baby to term, to change their minds. These women come to us scared,   terrified even, to think about the possibility of being pregnant.  How will she tell her parents, her grandparents, her friends and what will they think?  We at Her Choice, hope she will turn to us for help and guidance.  By giving her all the facts about her options, so that she able to make an informed decision.

 Our parenting program offers the client the opportunity to meet with us monthly to watch films on Baby Care and Parenting and facts about adoption.  She receives information on nutrition, finances, stages of the baby’s growth, changes in her body, safety and precautions   for her and her baby, keeping the baby’s father involved if possible and a Bible Study and assignments to be completed at home.  We discuss God’s roll in her and her baby’s life.  She receives a little gift for her baby at each visit and when she completes the program she receives a crib or car seat.  These meetings offer her an opportunity to discuss her feelings and experiences freely in a confidential setting.  Everything discussed is held in the strictest confidence.  Her homework is gathered into a booklet and returned to her when she delivers her baby.
The Fathers-To-Be are also offered a “fathers mentoring program” with an experienced father.  Many times these young men have not had a role model in their lives and need guidance on how to be a father to their own baby.  They also need to be instructed on what changes the mother is experiencing and the changes after the baby arrives. He is also offered the opportunity to discuss his feelings about the baby.  This program is offered simultaneously with the Mom’s program.

Oftentimes when we discuss the option of placing their baby for adoption the birth mother rejects the idea.  She thinks this would be like abandoning her baby.  Today,  in most cases of single parenting, adoption is a most heroic act of love on the part of the birth mother.  Statistics show that children of a single mother are very likely to not finish school,   become sexually active at a young age,   and get in trouble with the law.  Prison populations are very high in single parented inmates.   There are thousands of couples wanting to adopt a baby and love him as their very own.  Offering this baby a mother and father and a stable home life is a healthy option.  The birth mother selects the family where she can place her baby.  She can even interview them and arrange to receive updates and pictures as the baby grows.  This is a difficult decision for the birth mother but many have willingly made this loving sacrifice so that their baby would have 2 fulltime loving parents.

We offer a service called “In God’s Care” for those who have suffered a miscarriage. The sole mission of this program is to bring solace to the family. We provide information and services to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of the family. After the guidelines of the program are met we can help by offering assistance with the arrangements or the burial service. It is our desire to ease the sense of profound sadness for the loss of the baby and provide a sense of closure for the parent.

Another program we offer is similar to “In God’s Care” where we minister to women who had an abortion.  A post-Abortion Bible Study is also available that Ministers to those suffering from this experience.

At Her Choice we are blessed to have a chapel that was donated by several Christian ministries. This chapel provides a quiet place for prayer for our new clients and their families along with the counselors and staff. 

Her Choice offers hope and encouragement to those young women who are scared and unsure of their future.  We don’t just encourage these women to carry their baby to term.  We lovingly walk with her through her pregnancy being her advocate.

We serve willingly in God’s Ministry and invite you to join us as we share the love of the Lord with these people in need. If you are feeling called to help the center by serving on our Board of Directors or in a volunteer capacity, I encourage you to pray about it and contact the center.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Abortion Documentary

Scared? Don't terminate your pregnancy, place your baby in an adoptive home or be a parent...

At our center, we want these women to choose life, so they will never have to look back in despair and wish they never had an abortion. Please watch this short video.

If you have experienced an abortion, you are not alone. Many women feel the pain of abortion too, and have all kinds of other feelings associated with it.

If you are in Cullman or the surrounding area, please call 256-352-LOVE. We can help.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Princess Rules

    • Our physical bodies are meant for our "Prince"; the one person worthy of our love who will commit to us for a lifetime. We should not reveal too much of our bodies so that what we reveal is our true beauty
    • We are meant for true emotional bonding with our prince, the man who truly loves us unconditionally and commits to us for life. We need to protect ourselves emotionally from those who use us instead
    • We need to build relationships with our family, with females and males that are healthy and life giving. We need to end relationships that are bad for us
    • We can become interesting and engaging, as women; not "sex objects". We have the God given ability to become mature and wise so the prince will be attracted to our minds as well as our beauty
    • We are precious in God's eyes, regardless of our choices in the past. God has made us for relationships with others and with him, but it is up to us to respond to him